Our Mission Statement: The purpose of In The Beginning Preschool/Faith Mother's Day Out is to provide a safe, loving Christian environment to guide the emotional, social, spiritual, and education development of children.
Our Philosophy: Our theme-based program emphasizes building social skills though multicultural experiences, enhancing self-esteem, and developing the child's natural creativity through reading, music, art, informal and structured play. We will give your child many opportunities to play and explore in a loving and nurturing Christian environment. We focus on physical, intellectual, social, emotional and creative development. We provide a child-centered program and age appropriate activities. Our commitment is to the child and their family.
Religion Statement: We honor and respect all faiths. However, as a group, we will say prayers/grace/blessings during snack and lunch times. No one will be forced to participate but everyone will be encouraged. Additionally, we will teach a weekly bible story to all classes and offer a structured chapel time.
Program Hours: 9:30 am to 1:00 pm
Curriculum: We use a structured theme-based approach which encompasses center time, sensory, crafts, music, circle time, gross and fine motor skills and active play.